© 2007 Stephan Schwarze  



  1. Schwarze, Stephan: The Procedure of Product Configuration and Handling the Configuration Knowledge, in: Proceedings of the Third Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Atlanta GA, May 1994.

  2. Schwarze, Stephan: Von den Massenprodukten zu den Soft Products, Post-Mass-Production-Paradigm und Soft Products - mehr als nur zwei neue Schlagworte?, in: Technica No.15, 1994, pages 10-14.
    (Post-Mass-Production-Paradigm and Soft Products - more than just new keywords?)

  3. Schwarze, Stephan: Verbesserte Produktkonfigurierung - Ein Schritt zum kundenorientierten Unternehmen, in: Technische Rundschau, No.44, 1994, pages 40-44.
    (Improved product configuration - A step towards a customer oriented company)

  4. Schwarze, Stephan: Specification Mapping - The Integration of Customer Requirements within a Product Configuration, in: Proceedings of the ASME Energy Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition (ETCE 95), Symposium on Software Systems in Engineering, Houston TX, February 1995.

  5. Schwarze, Stephan: The Integration of Fuzzy Logic in an Expert System for Product Configuration, in: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fuzzy Logic (ISFL 95), Zurich, May 1995.

  6. Schwarze, Stephan: Configuration of Service Products with Fuzzy Methods, in: Proceedings of Fuzzy Logic ‘95 Conference, Burlingame CA, November 1995.

  7. Schwarze, Stephan; Lechner, Matthias; Jensen, Michael: Computer Supported Determination of Bank Credit Conditions, in: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Financial Engineering ‘96, New York NY, March 1996

  8. Schwarze, Stephan: Configuration of Multiple-Variant Products: Application Orientation and Vagueness in Customer Requirements, Dissertation at ETH Zurich, vdf-Verlag, Zürich, 1996.

  9. Schwarze, Stephan; Schönsleben, Paul: Recent Developments in Configuration of Multiple-Variant Products: Application Orientation and Vagueness in Customer Requirements, in: Proceedings of the IEEE IMACS CESA’96 Multiconference, Symposium on Discrete Events and Manufacturing Systems, Lille, France, June 1996.

  10. Schwarze, Stephan; Schönsleben, Paul: Recent Developments in Configuration of Multiple-Variant Products: Application Orientation and Vagueness in Customer Requirements, in: Proceedings of the APMS’96 International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, Kyoto, Japan, November 1996.

  11. Schwarze, Stephan: Produktvertrieb via Internet - Einsatzmöglichkeiten moderner Variantenkonfiguratoren, in: Technische Rundschau, No.44, 1996, pages 32-35.
    (Product Distribution via Internet - Application of modern Variant Configurators)

  12. Schwarze, Jochen; Schwarze, Stephan: Electronic Commerce - Grundlagen und Praktische Umsetzung, Verlag Neue Wirtschaftsbriefe, Herne/Berlin, 2002.